It really pisses me off...oh wait...I should try being more civil. It really angers me to hear the reaction of some this morning to the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama. It's really laughable to hear the reasoning of some people as to why it was not deserved. Well thought out reasoning like "what a joke" or "he's an idiot", "the guys a moron" or "I'm no fan of Obama". Well, fan or not, as Americans we should all be proud of the fact that our president is viewed by the rest of the civilized world as someone who is deserving of the award. It's sad to think that we will hear more anti Obama sentiment over the Nobel prize here than anywhere else in the world. With all of the problems we have here at home & the questionable commitments we've made to other countries we should all take a moment to put aside "the reasoning" of some & think clearly about how important it is to have the world find our leader worthy of such an honor. In today's dangerous world the U.S. should never take its eye off the ball. But for those who want it...... maybe it's finally time to "Give Peace A Chance".
It seems President Obama is dammed if he does and dammed if he does not do one thing or another. The division between those who support him and those who don't is ridiculous. I see him as a sincere man who actually cares about his fellow Americans while others think he's practically the Devil himself. Obviously, those on the Nobel Peace Prize committee believe his desire for change is genuine and I pray that he has the opportunity to make a difference. This country has become so messed up that it's going to take a long time and tremendous effort to bring about the "change" Obama and most of us all hope for.