Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Unextinguishable Light

It’s been a year. How could that be at all possible? How could days quickly turn into months and then remind you of all the time that has passed? Wasn’t it just yesterday that a visit with my dad ended with a wonderful evening with the two of us sharing a few quiet minutes together? I think my dad knew then that it would be our last visit; although the conversation never alluded to that.  I certainly didn’t allow myself to think anything other than that we would talk again at Thanksgiving….. & Christmas too. But that yesterday was our last together. Just two days later he would be gone. And now 365 other yesterdays have come & gone since that night. Even so, I sometimes still catch myself reaching for the phone to just say hello. Then I remember…..his phone no longer rings. The lamp by his chair no longer gives off light.  But through that silence and that darkness a light does shine. A light that can’t be dimmed by a thousand yesterdays. The light that I will always carry in my heart…illuminated by the memories I will never forget ..