A couple of Saturday's ago I was in Boston. This time it was for more than a game at Fenway Park or dinner and then a walk through the North End. Both of those are two of my favorite things to do. However, this time my visit to Boston filled me with much more pride than a Red Sox win ever could and much more satisfaction than a wonderful Italian dinner in the North End could ever bring. On May 21st my son Kevin received his Masters of Education from Suffolk University. Like most people, parent or otherwise, just the anticipation of sitting through what feels like hours of speeches to witness one special moment in your life can seem like that moment will never arrive, no matter how interesting those speakers might be. But an amazing thing happens to a parent when they realize they are witnessing a special moment in not only their own life but in the lives of every other person seated in that room student or spectator. You realize that you are part of a defining moment, a time when endless possibilities actually seem to be within reach of your child's hopes & dreams. But at the same time you swell with pride knowing that the moment didn't magically appear in one instant. The moment was slowly crafted by that child that you held in your arms so many years ago for the very first time. Then, as a young man hours of study became years of commitment, but somehow tucked in between a full time job and life itself that moment arrives. You are in the mist of that defining moment as you watch your child take the stage as his name is called to receive his so well deserved honor. And then your defining moment comes at that instant.....when you realize that as they honor him, he unknowingly honors you.