It's been awhile since I posted a new message but now I feel it's important to remind you of, or introduce you to, Pure Water For The World. The purpose of this organization is to provide clean water to the poorest areas of the world where none can be found. One of the places that they have been most active is in Haiti providing purified water to thousands of school children & their families. They do this through expensive filtration systems connected to area schools. As you can imagine their network of purifying the Haitian water supply was severely crippled when the earthquake hit destroying most of the 750 or so schools that they provide to. Like most of you, I felt the need to do something to help. I was surprised to learn that with all the wonderful work that PWFTW does in this world they are headquartered right here in Rutland. It just reminds you again of what a small community like ours is capable of. Their commitment to the areas they are helping is long term. As badly needed as the provisions are today to end what seems to be an insurmountable task in Haiti, Water For The World will be there when everyone else has gone. That's why I am asking you to make a donation to this very important part of Haiti's long term health & survival. Thankfully the job of supplying immediate need to the people of Haiti is getting done. But that is just the beginning.....without a supply of drinkable, clean water for the long term the burden of this unimaginable increase in Haiti's suffering will not end. Click the Pure Water For The World logo like the one above on the main page of our website. Read about PWFTW....and then PLEASE make a donation....The survival of an entire country may depend on it.