In these final couple of days before Christmas it struck me how far from the reason for this holiday we have come. Remember when the magic of Christmas included midnight mass & the singing of Silent Night & Adeste Fideles? In years past going to church on Christmas eve or Christmas morning was as important as opening gifts. Today that seems to be further down the Christmas day "to do list" than it has ever been. It's sad how Christmas has become more associated with department store sales & endless TV specials than anything closely resembling the Prince of Peace. I hope as you & I go through this Christmas season and enjoy wonderful times with family & friends that we take a moment to remember why Christmas is the special day it is. Santa, trees & presents are all wonderful parts of the season....so enjoy that...for it is truly magical, but also remember why we began celebrating this special time of year to begin with. The world would be far better off celebrating the reason for Christmas...instead of just the season of Christmas. And so in the spirit of the season....and remembering the reason....Merry Christmas!